Sunday, August 19, 2007

Video Games

2. Violent video games are linked to youth violence and aggression.

I think it is true that violent video games are linked to youth violence and aggression because they are easy to be attracted. When they watch or do something many time they will imitate that thing. Therefore, when they play violence video games they will act violently and become more aggressive. I am strongly believe it is true because my nephew he is addicted to violence video games, everyday he hit his sister the same ways he play the games.

5. Video games are socially isolating.

I agree with this statement because all the children who addicted with video games always stay inside their house with their machine. They do not want to go anywhere even school because they only want to play their games. Therefore, they become unsociable people and they may know nothing about the world outside their house.

7. Video games are addictive.

Of cause, video games are addictive because no people (men, women, young or old) will stop, after they start to play video game. They want to finish and win their game. They will never give up. After they finish one game, they will seek another new game to play. It is because of all the video game are very convincing with increasing complexity, so the players become more facile and want to know more about it and apply for new skills. They think that they will learn more skills when they win the games.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd like to give some counterpoints to your reasoning.

2. Psychological research between the link on aggression and video games is tenuous at best. Nevertheless, multiple factors in aggression and violence are at play. Video games are perceived to have such a great effect, but the research and video games are both recent phenomena and therefore conclusions from simple observations cannot give definite explanations. Imitation is one factor, but the motive to commit an aggressive act is different. I argue that if one's provoked he will act like in the video game, but the video game does not provide the motivation to do such an act as the evidence is not present. Even without video games, frustration will usually be an aggressive behaviour no matter.

5. Your argument is based on the assumption that all games are for one person. However, there are many games that offer multiplayer options, so friends can play together and there was at one time arcades, places for social gatherings. With the rise of the internet and multiplayibility on the net, players can play with others across the world and even talk to each other. In order to have such an isolating effect from video games, the social environment itself must have an isolating or aversive effect to the child that video game would seem an attractive recourse. Therefore, playing video games with a happy and healthy social life should not pose any signficant problems.

7. you're assuming that everyone wants to apply and learn new skills. However, you have ignored the purpose of "games", it is entertainment. Many players, including myself, enjoy the entertainment provided by these games. As such the appeal is one of the factors that can be addictive. In addition, your definition of complexity is very vague because it can mean anything, from graphics to stories. Furthermore, gambling games are not very complex once learned and it is known to be very addictive, are there any similarities between video games and gambling? Your argument would be better if you specify which aspect of a game can be a source of addiction.

Janarius, Concordia psych undergrad