Saturday, August 11, 2007

Improving Academic Performance

In this article, I really intereasted in the part of Set Up the Schedule for Study because i found that it is a good techniques that can help student in their stuying. All the student always procrastinate, they always wait until the last minute to do theri work. Sometimes, it can be too late for them to do a good work, so they just copy from other books, articles or internet beacuse now the internet information is available. It is not only can help them to do a good job, but also it can make them more healthy. When you do thing in the last minute you will be stressed and overworked. This can cause both physical and psychological problem. If you have set up a schedule for your study, you will have more time to relax. However, in order to set up a good schedule, you need to think carefully about your own energy, especially, you need to know how long that you can study at one time. Don't make yourself busy all the time, give yourself a suitable time to relax. For example, on saturday and sunday, you can set up the time to do your work in morning. Then, at noon time you can relax and go out for a cup of coffee and comeback to continue your work.

I also found that "reward your study" is a good techniques too because it may encorage student to do their work. All people always want to get something back after they working hard. For example, if you are a movies lover, you can talk to yourself that after i finish my work i'll have a lot of free time to enjoy my favorite movies. Therefore, you can set your own gaols of your work and then you will get the reward from your self. if you can do like this techniques i think you might be doing well in your study.

I will try these two techniques and i believe i will get benifit from these techniques because i'm a procrastinated student, i'm so lazy to do thing in advance, I always wait until the last minute.


Shiya said...

hi, i really like your point of view of "it is important to set up a realistic schedule," and i highly recommend people to make a weekly plan with their target goals.

Alaa said...

Hi Sorida,
I can't believe that you are a lazy student!
I hope you will try ,as you said, to set up a schedule for studying so you don't have to wait until the last minute. It's so useful way of studying.