Sunday, August 19, 2007

Video Games

2. Violent video games are linked to youth violence and aggression.

I think it is true that violent video games are linked to youth violence and aggression because they are easy to be attracted. When they watch or do something many time they will imitate that thing. Therefore, when they play violence video games they will act violently and become more aggressive. I am strongly believe it is true because my nephew he is addicted to violence video games, everyday he hit his sister the same ways he play the games.

5. Video games are socially isolating.

I agree with this statement because all the children who addicted with video games always stay inside their house with their machine. They do not want to go anywhere even school because they only want to play their games. Therefore, they become unsociable people and they may know nothing about the world outside their house.

7. Video games are addictive.

Of cause, video games are addictive because no people (men, women, young or old) will stop, after they start to play video game. They want to finish and win their game. They will never give up. After they finish one game, they will seek another new game to play. It is because of all the video game are very convincing with increasing complexity, so the players become more facile and want to know more about it and apply for new skills. They think that they will learn more skills when they win the games.

My reaction to the presentation

After preparing my presentation, I learned how to organize ideas and thoughts, how to make the presentation attractive, especially, I learned what kind of language and expression that I can use when I speak. Understanding topic is the important point that can lead us to do a good presentation. Choosing good examples to prove our information can make audiences interest in our topic too. I think this is a good experience for me to do the next presentation.

The day that I finish my presentation, I feel very happy even if I am not sure that it was good or not. When I started my presentation, I feel very nervous. I think at that time I may spoke very quickly. However, when I got into my topic I feel very calm and I feel very confidence on this topic. I can control my speech and speak one by one. I do not know why I always like this, I remember when I did the drug panel in level six, I spoke very fast in the beginning and slowed down when in the middle until the end. At that time, my teacher gave me a feedback that even if she is an English teacher, she could not follow my speaking, too fast. I need to change this habit, but I do not know how I can do. Anyway, I think that I will be able to change this habit one time. I need to think about the proverbs that I talked in my presentation "I am what I think" and "The winner never quits, the quitter never wins".

I not only learned from my own presentation, but also I learned many things from listening to the presentations of others. They did very nice presentation. They have different styles of speech. Some of them made their presentation in comical way and some showed a lot of funny picture to attract the audiences that made both presenter and audiences pay attention on the topic and provided many feedbacks and discussion questions at the end of each presentation. I know that the asking question at the end of presentation is very important for the presenter because the questions can make them know that the audiences understand their topic and interested in it. All the presenters need good listeners. However, I do not know why, I rarely ask questions even if I really want to ask. This is another habit, which I need to change.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

My research paper

This monday i just finish my first research paper. I feel very happy because it is my first time to do such a research paper like this and this paper teachs me many things.
  1. I know how to do the research paper. I need to read a lot and find more information that relate to my topic.
  2. I learn how to do the reference citation in the text.
  3. I learn how to do the reference list at the end of my paper.
  4. During I collect the information i forget to take the source of information so i need to go back and find that information again in order to make my citation and reference list. It is a good experience for me.
  5. I know how hard to do the paraphrasing from other articles in order to avoid plagerism.
  6. I learn that I need to understand all the information that i put in my paper because after the paper, i have to do a presentation about that.

This are some pionts that i learn from my research paper. I will prepare everything for the next paper that I will be given.

Improving Academic Performance

In this article, I really intereasted in the part of Set Up the Schedule for Study because i found that it is a good techniques that can help student in their stuying. All the student always procrastinate, they always wait until the last minute to do theri work. Sometimes, it can be too late for them to do a good work, so they just copy from other books, articles or internet beacuse now the internet information is available. It is not only can help them to do a good job, but also it can make them more healthy. When you do thing in the last minute you will be stressed and overworked. This can cause both physical and psychological problem. If you have set up a schedule for your study, you will have more time to relax. However, in order to set up a good schedule, you need to think carefully about your own energy, especially, you need to know how long that you can study at one time. Don't make yourself busy all the time, give yourself a suitable time to relax. For example, on saturday and sunday, you can set up the time to do your work in morning. Then, at noon time you can relax and go out for a cup of coffee and comeback to continue your work.

I also found that "reward your study" is a good techniques too because it may encorage student to do their work. All people always want to get something back after they working hard. For example, if you are a movies lover, you can talk to yourself that after i finish my work i'll have a lot of free time to enjoy my favorite movies. Therefore, you can set your own gaols of your work and then you will get the reward from your self. if you can do like this techniques i think you might be doing well in your study.

I will try these two techniques and i believe i will get benifit from these techniques because i'm a procrastinated student, i'm so lazy to do thing in advance, I always wait until the last minute.


I feel optimistic about the future of population because even if population growth is a big problem, there are many ways to solve. For example, many countries are encouraging people to control and reduce the birth rate by telling them the problems that may affect their children's lives.

However, many countries faced with overreducing birth rate which can lead to high rate of aging people. There are many elder and younger who are not the productive people. Therefore, nobody can work to improve society and the government have take responsible to this problem. because of this, the pessimistic felling comeout.

If the population is still growing up, the big problem will happen in our planet.The planet won't be able to support any more.We won't have enough place to live, enough food to eat, enough energy to use.We will face with runing out of natural resource.The only one solution that can prevent this problem is the industrial countries already accomplished many different solutions to population growth should help other countries.