Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The novel book that i am reading

On Friday last week, I bought a novel called Alias Grace which is written by Margaret Atwood. It is a complecate and long story. When I just start to read it, I found that I don't understand at all. Especially, the charactors are mixed up. I don't know who is talking about who and aslo who is talking to who. This problem makes it become a boring story and I was falling asleep while I was reading. However, this morning I disscused with my group about the charactors in the book and they explained me by making a charactor's map. So now i have an idea how follow this story. Now I'm reading the next section of the book, I found that it becomes more interesting even I don't understand all the ideas but I hope that after I read more and more i'll understand this story and i'll be able to retell the story. I'll try my best to do this project.


Xiao said...

nothing to say but"how can i reorganize my notes,,,,,shoot

Shiya said...

Oh, poor you, just try hard to figure them out. Another confusing book for sure,haha~